Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Idioms to Live By
Take in bad foods, you put out poor health.
Take in exercise, you put out a vibrant healthy beautiful body.
Take in good thoughts, you put out good words.
Take in knowledge, you put out confidence.
Take in bad television you put out things like depression, stress, anxiety and even violence.
As children we are told things in specific, concise, easy terms. What's commonly known as "black and white." As parents we teach our children this way too. It is the easiest way to learn. Leaving no "gray area", or interpretation. We then grow up and make everything so much more difficult on ourselves.
Did you ever stop to think that some of these idioms, could be some of the best rules for life. After all we may all have different interpretations of the gray area.
For instance, have you heard "everything in moderation," or "too much of a good thing?" Our bodies and lives are aligned in a certain balance. Tip the scales one way or another and you may experience things like health or mental problems.
Do you wonder why sometimes you take "one step forward and two steps back?" perhaps that means you should be thinking longer about that particular step before you take it. Although "actions speak louder than words" you don't want to "get off on the wrong foot!"
Seriously, "haste really does make waste." And you will most certainly "reap what you sow."
These little wise philosophies are adaptable to our lives today. We have made everything in life so complicated while we are trying to "keep up with the Jones'"
Just remember to take in only good things, so that you will put out only good things. Things that you eat, things that you say, things that you look at or listen to. Keep your internal self, light and flowing. Remember that "honesty is the best policy" and if you "waste not you'll want not."
So come on and "jump on the bandwagon", simplify your life with some idioms, and leave the "whole nine yards" behind.
How to Start an Exercise Program, Really.
So where does one begin a program that will work and will last? After all, it must be maintained in order to serve your purpose. Exercise is not something you can do for awhile, then be done with it. The benefits only last if the movement does!
Most experts will tell you to just pick something you like and then stick with it. But if you're just starting out, how do you know what you will like? You may feel like you could pour out countless dollars on a bunch of stuff and never find the right thing. It might be so overwhelming, that you just may not want to bother!
It's that point, where a negative attachment forms toward exercise. Now it just seems like too much! This is the point that becomes very important to focus on. You must put a positive attachment to your exercise regimen if you have any shot at keeping it up.
To even begin to get comfortable in any exercise program, you have to first get comfortable with moving! So before you start looking at videos or machines to instruct you and aid you, just start moving your body. The best "piece of equipment" for this stage is an audio player! Music. A stereo, a CD player or an mp3 player. Just put on some music and move your body. Right now you don't have to be "choreographed" to get a workout. That can come later. Find music with a good beat, that inspires you. Maybe something that you used to listen to in your younger days. It might bring back a good memory, and you could find yourself smiling! Now you've associated that positive attachment. Now you're moving, and smiling, and thinking about how silly you may look, and now you're laughing!! The endorphins are starting to kick in and you're actually getting a real good feeling. Exercise you see is the best mood enhancer out there today! You can't buy it, or market it, it's free! And legal!
There are things to know and guidelines to follow for an exercise program. In order to stay safe and avoid injury. You can and will have to learn things like that in good time, but you just don't need the "no pain, no gain" scenario yet. You just want to get comfortable with moving. You must get comfortable with your body. Yes, your body. So if you're not a big fan of your body, it's time to start embracing it anyway. That's right, you must be "buddies" with your body. Pay attention to it while you're moving it. The quickest way to lose and tone is to work you largest muscle groups first. So focus on your "core". Your abdomen and your back. Always trying to keep it tight and straight. Once you develop this area, your posture will improve and if you have minor back pain you may find some relief. (People diagnosed with back conditions should consult a specialist) But if you can generally dance at a function or special occasion, then you can start an exercise program! The other muscle group is the legs. The large leg muscles are like a power booster for your movement. Large muscles kick start your metabolism which will make the movement more effective! Focus on those legs while your moving them. Bend them, lift them to your sides, kick or tap them to the front or the side (always keeping a slight bend at the knee). Concentrate on the fronts of them (the "quads"). Feel how they are responding to your "movement", then focus on the backs of them (the hamstrings) and feel their movement during the exercise. Picture them in your mind, picture how you want them to look. Feel them beginning to look that way as you move them. Later on there will be time to focus on how many "reps" and how may "sets" and things like that. A strategic set of movements will get you to your goals quickly and evenly, but it is not necessary to get started. It begins with just getting comfortable MOVING, and tuning in to your body! Everyone can do it.
Music is such a big motivator. Maybe the music on those exercise DVD's is not your "cup of Tea". That could be enough to help you lose motivation and give you that excuse to quit. So don't forget to pay attention to your mind too. Find the music that inspires you and makes you want to move, and keep finding more. Use lots of variety, old favorites, new favorites, different genres, try some belly dancing moves to some Latin tunes. Make up your own line dance to country, kick and punch to rock and roll, whatever you like. You name it. The possibilities can be endless. And before you know it, you may just be confident enough to go join a gym, or commit to tennis with your neighbor. The confidence you'll gradually gain (and the weight you will start to lose) will be the motivator you need to change and customize. Keep in mind that muscle is denser than fat, so if you're a scale watcher, try not to be. A small weight gain may show up if you're working a lot of big muscle groups, but even with that weight gain, you're appearance and shape will still be changing and will probably look better than before. (Note* it is hard for someone to see their own bodies changing, remember that). If you feel like you don't see changes, pay attention to what your friends, co-workers and loved ones may tell you. They might not be complimenting you just to "be nice", they may really be seeing the difference. And more than likely they will see it before you see it on yourself. Then take those compliments and fuel yourself to the next level. Kick it up a step.
So the way to start and continue an exercise plan for life, is to create your own starter workout, you can't get any more "customized" than that! Then you can start to investigate everything "out there" and find the thing or things that will work for your lifestyle!
What's the Deal with Over the Counter Antacids?
acid that's in the stomach. H2 blockers (like Tagamet,
Pepcid and Zantac) stop the chemical histamine from sending
the signal to your stomach to produce digestive acids.
PPI's (like Nexium, Aciphex, Prevacid and Prilosec) block
the secretion of digestive acid into the stomach in its
acid-secreting cells or "pumps."
The problem with all three of these pictures is that your
stomach NEEDS digestive acid!
That's right. The stomach MUST have acid to digest and
utilize the proteins you eat.
So whether you neutralize the acid, halt the signal to
produce it or block the acid "pumps," you're completely
obliterating your digestion.
As a result your food ends up sitting in your stomach for
8 hours or more, fermenting, rotting and putrefying.
That means gas galore.
Plus constipation, cramps, diarrhea, regurgitation, sour
burps, heartburn, you-name-it.
Plus you don't get the benefit of the nutrients from
poorly digested food, either. So you feel hungry again
even when your stomach is stuffed with the rotting mass
inside it--it's almost like you're malnourished.
If you do eat something at this point, it just adds to the
rotting pile.
And once the antacid, H2 blocker or PPI wears off, the
cycle starts all over again.
This is incredibly dangerous.
Eventually you get to the point where the antacid, H2
blocker or PPI doesn't work as well as it seemed to before.
So you go back to the doctor, who either puts you on
another drug, or ups the dose of the one you're on and
sends you on your way.
The big picture here is you end up on the white coat
treadmill, with no significant improvement in your acid
reflux, and on drugs for what looks like the rest of your
pain-filled life.
And, by the way, PPIs are only meant for short-term use (6
months or less). They haven't even been tested for longer
The list of side effects and adverse reactions is
Go to Google and search "Nexium side effects"
Here's what you need to know: What causes acid reflux is
NOT the stomach doing its job and secreting acid.
It's the OVER production of acid caused by acid-forming
foods and bad combinations of foods.
Eating the way I learned in Great Taste No Pain and you will
be like the thousands of former acid reflux sufferers I've
helped and you'll say goodbye to your symptoms AND goodbye
to the drugs for good.
In GTNP you'll learn exactly what foods are acid creating
(they're not what you think they are).
You'll see how easy and delicious eating correctly
combined meals is, thanks to my easy to read manuals and
meal planner.
And the best part is the results happen FAST! Most people
see a drastic improvement within a day or two...a few days
max, and many stop their stomach drugs within a week.
Instead of spending time and boatloads of money on the
white coat treadmill taking one drug after another for the
rest of your life, why not make a one-time small purchase
for something that will rid your acid reflux for good?
Check out Great Taste No Pain.
- http://www.EatPainFree.Info
The Calcium Scare
that dairy products are essential to make sure you have
enough calcium.
This is simply not true. Completely false. The truth is--
and this is backed up by the medical records of millions
of arthritis and osteoporosis sufferers--the MORE milk you
drink, the LESS calcium you have in your bones. Fact.
Hard to believe, huh, especially with all the doctors and
commercials saying exactly the opposite?
This is partly because the calcium in dairy products (or
any other source such as supplements) is basically useless
in an acidic body. Dairy TAKES calcium, it doesn't GIVE it.
You see, when your body is overrun with acid, it uses its
own alkaline minerals, including calcium and magnesium,
from your bones and muscles to neutralize that acid.
So you don't get the benefit of the calcium from dairy or
any calcium supplement either, because it's used up in the
fight against the acid in your body, too.
There are literally hundreds of thousands of scientific
pages written on the dangers of dairy products.
The bottom line is this: Dairy products are NOT good for
you. They are NOT a health food. And they're NOT
essential to get calcium.
They are the perfect food to eat if you want to be sick,
overweight and diseased.
Does Soda Stop Acid Reflux?
problem on the planet.
Because unlike Crohn's or colitis for example, which also
have an immune system component, acid reflux is 100%,
completely and totally the result of what you eat.
There is no "disease" process going on here.
Acid reflux is simply the result of your stomach
attempting to break down processed foods and poor food
combinations that you've eaten that are next to impossible
to digest.
And it does the only thing it knows how to do--secrete
acid over and over again.
Besides the obvious overabundance of acid which lights
your chest on fire and slides up your throat, this creates
a cycle of other not-so-good effects.
See if any of these sound like you:
1- Hungry all the time
Excess acid destroys the naturally occurring nutrients in
your foods. But since your body's hunger signal is
triggered by a need for nutrients (not by a physical
absence of food in your stomach), if you're not getting
nutrients from your food, you end up feeling hungry almost
And that, my friend, leads to overeating and lots more of
you to love.
2- Pain everywhere - not just in your chest
Excess acidity in your digestive system doesn't just stay
put. It also gets absorbed into your bloodstream and is
transported all over your body.
This leads to inflammation all over. Inflammatory
conditions that are linked to excess body acidity include
migraines, lupus, fibromyalgia, arthritis and chronic
fatigue syndrome, to name a few.
Plus your body uses up its own supply of alkaline minerals
to neutralize the acid in your blood, one of which is
calcium from your bones. (Can you say osteoporosis?)
3- Trouble down below
Food that is not digested well in the stomach doesn't
travel "down the road" very well either.
This results in gas, pain, bloating, constipation and
diarrhea, and waste build-up in your colon, and can
eventually lead to diverticulosis.
Acid reflux "remedies"
Now, here's the best part. The typical "remedy" for acid
reflux is, of course, drugs. Antacids. Acid reducers.
PPIs (like the purple pill).
But they make the problem WORSE--not better.
They "work" by neutralizing or reducing the acid in your
stomach. But your stomach needs acid to digest proteins.
So all the purple pill does is ruin your digestion (and
lead to trouble down under like in #3 above).
The problem is NOT acid--it's EXCESS acid. They're 2
different things.
Spicy foods are not the devil
What makes matters worse is that the medical community
refuses to acknowledge that diet is responsible for acid
The only dietary advice typically given to acid reflux
sufferers is to avoid things like spicy foods and citrus
fruits--advice that is useless and has no basis in fact.
Spices and citrus fruits are alkalizing to your body, so
they're actually GOOD for acid reflux. So what you've been
told is actually harming you even more. Ironic, huh?
Quick Description
With more than 1 out of 3 adults in the US (70 million) taking OTC or prescription pills for digestive disorders and the pain associated with them, as a nation, we have serious health problems. And we're spreading our problems around the world.
What most people are frustrated with is that even if they eat how most health professionals consider to be healthy, a large percentage of people STILL experience digestive problems. And so most people resort to drugs, surgery or eating bland foods. Or they just continue to suffer.
That's why the Great Taste No Pain System was developed -- to help slash some of the $42 billion dollars spent on those pills in the US alone.
This simple eating system is designed to dramatically reduce the acid pH measure in a person's entire body -- not just in the stomach. It does so by increasing the ratio of alkaline forming foods eaten and by showing you how to combine foods in a way that radically decreases the amount of acid digestive juices in the stomach and small intestines required to break down foods. With me so far? Hope so, because this is important stuff.
One of the primary components of the Great Taste No Pain System is the science of food combining, which was first introduced into the US in 1911 by Dr. William Hay, a New York surgeon who used it to cure his Bright's Disease, a kidney disease which was often fatal at that time. In fact, among the many thousands of lives it claimed was Teddy Roosevelt's first wife, who died of Bright's Disease at just 22 years of age.
A basic knowledge of Junior High chemistry is all it takes to see the logic behind this science: Mixing foods that require alkaline digestive enzymes with foods that require acid digestive enzymes slows and can even stop the digestive process. It can and does delay digestion by as much as 10 hours and more. This is incredibly bad for the body. The Great Taste No Pain system alleviates this problem, speeding food through your body, allowing it to absorb nutrients from foods at a much higher level.
In addition, one of the manuals in the Great Taste No Pain system, 'Foods That Create Acid, Foods That Take It Away,' is as clear as I've ever seen this data presented. Follow this simple guide and your body will use a minimum of energy in the digestion process, which leaves more energy for healing and other daily functions your body carries out.
This is a timely set of guides, because with our society's addiction to the convenience of processed foods, in many respects our health challenges are far worse than they were in 1911.
Great Taste No Pain author, Sherry Brescia, was a former Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) sufferer herself. In fact, in 1991, she spent 7 days in the hospital with bacterial colitis.
As a health insurance researcher and Chief Underwriter, she was able to research the benefits of an alkaline- balanced body and over the next 15 years perfected the system she now calls Great Taste No Pain.
She meshed a number of philosophies proven to help alkalize the body to create this simple system that anyone can follow regardless of where they are or what food choices they have available to them.
What I Like:
Taste: Unlike most restrictive diets, Great Taste No Pain cannot actually be called a diet, because it allows you to eat even great volumes of luscious, delicious food as long as you combine it according to a few simple guidelines. It truly requires very little willpower. Perhaps the greatest news for people who love to eat is that the 176 page recipe book in the system is stuffed with breakfasts, lunches, dinners and snacks that are unbelievably tasty. No rabbit food. Gourmet all the way, yet the meals (if you like to cook) only take between 15 and 30 minutes of prep time and make tons of yummy leftovers. So you can throw away the belief that you can't eat healthy on a super-busy schedule.
Speed: I love that you don't have to read 300+ pages before learning what to do. In the first guide, 'How To End Stomach Pain Forever, Even If Your MD says, "No Way,"' it provides a brief background on the science and then quickly moves onto the step-by-step 'how to.' I really love that.
Simplicity: The second Guide in the GTNP System is 'What To Eat With What.' This is a massive compilation. Every kind of food that you could possibly put in your mouth is listed, along with the corresponding foods that combine with it for easy comfortable digestion, and those foods that don't. This guide is so complete and so easy to follow, if you screw this up, it's back to pre-school for you.
More Simplicity: Traveling is the one thing that can ruin even the healthiest eaters. But in Great Taste No Pain, Sherry gives you a 'Pocket Guide For Pain-Free Dining Out.' This tool is phenomenal. You can store this little baby with your credit cards and, until you understand what combines with what, all you have to do is pull out your pocket guide and quickly note the rule, so you can eat and
enjoy the rest of your day, pain-free.
Would you believe that you could eat McDonald's food and not suffer gassiness and reflux? Now you can!
Meat: While meat is not something people with digestive issues usually tolerate well on a daily basis (hence the daily pain), the problem isn't so much the meat as it is what you eat with the meat.
That is why each of the Guides in the system, including the recipe book, lists every possible food you can combine with meats without suffering. Most people will suddenly be able to eat beef, chicken, fish, pork, turkey, venison and any other type of meat they want. As long as you combine it right... no pain at all! And broccoli, lettuce, cucumbers and other veggies that can create havoc suddenly will not. That I love.
Fruit: Ask anyone that suffers stomach problems about fruit and you'll hear horror stories. So sadly, the most perfect food on the planet is shunned by a huge part of our world's population. No longer. Because you will soon learn why fruit causes you trouble and how to easily change that. You CAN eat fruit again, even if it now makes you turn blue! It's true!
While each Guide in the system is detailed and complete, they are "dumbed down" in the clearest language possible. So I don't doubt Sherry's claim that any 11 year old could teach it. This I really love.
Things To Watch For:
The one thing you want to be careful of is that once you start eating as prescribed in Great Taste No Pain, you could quickly begin to feel all powerful. You might start to think you are "cured" of your digestive problems since they went away so fast and since you have so much extra energy.
That would be a mistake.
Because technically there is no "cure" for most digestive problem, because technically they are not diseases at all. They are maladies brought on by eating the wrong foods and by eating them in the wrong combinations. So the principles in Great Taste No Pain is not a "cure," since people with sensitive stomachs will always be sensitive. GTNP is merely a way to make all symptoms go away forever and give you a lot more energy.
For example, let's say you've got it bad and have Diverticulitis or Crohn's. Great Taste No Pain can help you get rid of your symptoms very quickly.
But a year later, if you start eating like you used to, guess what? Yep, the symptoms will come back. You see, the principles that Great Taste No Pain is based on are sound. They work for everyone. But if you think that because you've been symptom-free for a long time, you've been "cured," think again. Go against these principles of easy digestion, and the problem can come back with a vengeance. Remember, good health comes from living a healthy lifestyle, not a"do it once and you're fixed" approach.
Another thing you might want to be prepared for is that since Great Taste No Pain cleanses your digestive tract, initially you could get a little diarrhea. If you experience constipation on a fairly regular basis, you might get a little "looseness" at first, but it will end soon.
Also, due to the detoxing going on, you might get a runny nose or get some other cold-like symptoms at first. It's nothing to worry about. If you do, while it might not be fun, it does mean it's working. It means your body is becoming purer and the toxins are leaving. And that is a very good thing.
When I began following the system, I personally was amazed at the amount of energy I had, even late into the evening. I had no discomfort, no bloating, I didn't feel the need to eat again within an hour and no need for caffeine after meals.
Professionally and personally, my strong recommendation is that for anyone who wants more energy, sounder and longer sleep, migraine headaches to stop almost immediately, pain from gastritis and acid reflux to stop almost instantly, and the pain of digestive problems to stop or be reduced dramatically, get over to:
now and get the whole system. You will be thrilled.
And frankly, it won't take a full day for most people to feel a major difference in their bodies. Often it just takes one meal. After you have been following it for a week or more, feel free to let me know how you like it. I personally believe that anyone who adopts this simple, enjoyable food combining method will reap gigantic health benefits. So if that is what you are looking for, get over
to -
and get started today.
All my best,
The Cause & Cure Of Joint Pain Is The Acid-Alkaline Balance
Why You Should Own a Juicer
When eating the Great Taste No Pain way of proper food combination you know that your diet needs to consist of lots of colorful, healthy, tasty vegetables! It should be a fun experience to go (maybe with your loved ones), and pick colorful, local, fresh veggies! Maybe you're someone who can't seem to use them all up before they go bad! Well guess what? Yes! Juice them! It's literally the best health tonic you could find. You will get instant energy and once you feel it, you'll be hooked! You also won't feel like your money was wasted by throwing away bad produce, because you won't have any!
What if you don't like the taste of veggie juice?
Proper food combination calls for eating fruits separate from everything else! But in the case of juicing, you can add apple to any vegetable drink without the risk of upsetting the balance. Apple is the ONLY fruit you should ever mix with vegetables, but if you don't like the taste of vegetables it's just like drinking apple juice. Much better than the fake stuff in the bottles or cans on the supermarket shelf!
Fresh juice is also as beneficial (if not more) as drinking water. In addition to a veggie juice snack, try juicing some fresh lemons and apple. It makes a delicious tasting lemonade with a natural sweetness you can feel good about!
A Quick Thought About Popping a Pill
Antacids Halt Digestion!
So antacids work by neutralizing the acid in your stomach. But your stomach needs acid to digest proteins. So if the acid gets neutralized, your digestion stops.
Then your stomach, sensing something's wrong, secretes more acid to digest the food ...and the antacid neutralizes it again, thus stopping digestion again. Vicious cycle? (wasted money?) Havoc on your health?
A list of which foods are the most acidic vs. most alkaline.
14.0 Sodium Hydroxide: Alkaline
13.0 Lye
11.0 Ammonia
10.5 Milk of Magnesia
8.3 Baking Soda
7.4 Human Blood
7.0 Pure Water: Neutral
6.6 Milk: Acid
4.5 Tomatoes
4.0 Wine and Beer
3.0 Apples
2.2 Vinegar
2.0 Lemon Juice
1.0 Battery Acid
0.0 Hydrochloric acid
Acid-Yielding Foods
Corn flakes
While rice
Rye bread
White bread
Whole milk
Very Acid-Yielding Foods
Parmesan cheese
Processed (soft) cheeses
Hard cheeses
Gouda cheese
Cottage cheese
Brown rice
Rolled oats
Whole wheat bread
Luncheon meat, canned
Liver sausage
Alkaline-Yielding Foods
Lemon juice
Green peppers
Green beans
Mineral water
Very Alkaline-Yielding Foods
Note: All fruits and vegetables are alkaline yielding, unless they have been pickled or marinated.
With more than 1 out of 3 adults in the US (70 million) taking OTC or prescription pills for digestive disorders and the pain associated with them, as a nation, we have serious health problems. And we're spreading our problems around the world.
What most people are frustrated with is that even if they eat how most health professionals consider to be healthy, a large percentage of people STILL experience digestive problems. And so most people resort to drugs, surgery or eating bland foods. Or they just continue to suffer.
That's why the Great Taste No Pain System was developed -- to help slash some of the $42 billion dollars spent on those pills in the US alone.
This simple eating system is designed to dramatically reduce the acid pH measure in a person's entire body -- not just in the stomach. It does so by increasing the ratio of alkaline forming foods eaten and by showing you how to combine foods in a way that radically decreases the amount of acid digestive juices in the stomach and small intestines required to break down foods. With me so far? Hope so, because this is important stuff.
One of the primary components of the Great Taste No Pain System is the science of food combining, which was first introduced into the US in 1911 by Dr. William Hay, a New York surgeon who used it to cure his Bright's Disease, a kidney disease which was often fatal at that time. In fact, among the many thousands of lives it claimed was Teddy Roosevelt's first wife, who died of Bright's Disease at just 22 years of age.
A basic knowledge of Junior High chemistry is all it takes to see the logic behind this science: Mixing foods that require alkaline digestive enzymes with foods that require acid digestive enzymes slows and can even stop the digestive process. It can and does delay digestion by as much as 10 hours and more. This is incredibly bad for the body. The Great Taste No Pain system alleviates this problem, speeding food through your body, allowing it to absorb nutrients from foods at a much higher level.
In addition, one of the manuals in the Great Taste No Pain system, 'Foods That Create Acid, Foods That Take It Away,' is as clear as I've ever seen this data presented. Follow this simple guide and your body will use a minimum of energy in the digestion process, which leaves more energy for healing and other daily functions your body carries out.
This is a timely set of guides, because with our society's addiction to the convenience of processed foods, in many respects our health challenges are far worse than they were in 1911.
Great Taste No Pain author, Sherry Brescia, was a former Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) sufferer herself. In fact, in 1991, she spent 7 days in the hospital with bacterial colitis.
As a health insurance researcher and Chief Underwriter, she was able to research the benefits of an alkaline- balanced body and over the next 15 years perfected the system she now calls Great Taste No Pain.
She meshed a number of philosophies proven to help alkalize the body to create this simple system that anyone can follow regardless of where they are or what food choices they have available to them.
What I Like:
Taste: Unlike most restrictive diets, Great Taste No Pain cannot actually be called a diet, because it allows you to eat even great volumes of luscious, delicious food as long as you combine it according to a few simple guidelines. It truly requires very little willpower. Perhaps the greatest news for people who love to eat is that the 176 page recipe book in the system is stuffed with breakfasts, lunches, dinners and snacks that are unbelievably tasty. No rabbit food. Gourmet all the way, yet the meals (if you like to cook) only take between 15 and 30 minutes of prep time and make tons of yummy leftovers. So you can throw away the belief that you can't eat healthy on a super-busy schedule.
Speed: I love that you don't have to read 300+ pages before learning what to do. In the first guide, 'How To End Stomach Pain Forever, Even If Your MD says, "No Way,"' it provides a brief background on the science and then quickly moves onto the step-by-step 'how to.' I really love that.
Simplicity: The second Guide in the GTNP System is 'What To Eat With What.' This is a massive compilation. Every kind of food that you could possibly put in your mouth is listed, along with the corresponding foods that combine with it for easy comfortable digestion, and those foods that don't. This guide is so complete and so easy to follow, if you screw this up, it's back to pre-school for you.
More Simplicity: Traveling is the one thing that can ruin even the healthiest eaters. But in Great Taste No Pain, Sherry gives you a 'Pocket Guide For Pain-Free Dining Out.' This tool is phenomenal. You can store this little baby with your credit cards and, until you understand what combines with what, all you have to do is pull out your pocket guide and quickly note the rule, so you can eat and
enjoy the rest of your day, pain-free.
Would you believe that you could eat McDonald's food and not suffer gassiness and reflux? Now you can!
Meat: While meat is not something people with digestive issues usually tolerate well on a daily basis (hence the daily pain), the problem isn't so much the meat as it is what you eat with the meat.
That is why each of the Guides in the system, including the recipe book, lists every possible food you can combine with meats without suffering. Most people will suddenly be able to eat beef, chicken, fish, pork, turkey, venison and any other type of meat they want. As long as you combine it right... no pain at all! And broccoli, lettuce, cucumbers and other veggies that can create havoc suddenly will not. That I love.
Fruit: Ask anyone that suffers stomach problems about fruit and you'll hear horror stories. So sadly, the most perfect food on the planet is shunned by a huge part of our world's population. No longer. Because you will soon learn why fruit causes you trouble and how to easily change that. You CAN eat fruit again, even if it now makes you turn blue! It's true!
While each Guide in the system is detailed and complete, they are "dumbed down" in the clearest language possible. So I don't doubt Sherry's claim that any 11 year old could teach it. This I really love.
Things To Watch For:
The one thing you want to be careful of is that once you start eating as prescribed in Great Taste No Pain, you could quickly begin to feel all powerful. You might start to think you are "cured" of your digestive problems since they went away so fast and since you have so much extra energy.
That would be a mistake.
Because technically there is no "cure" for most digestive problem, because technically they are not diseases at all. They are maladies brought on by eating the wrong foods and by eating them in the wrong combinations. So the principles in Great Taste No Pain is not a "cure," since people with sensitive stomachs will always be sensitive. GTNP is merely a way to make all symptoms go away forever and give you a lot more energy.
For example, let's say you've got it bad and have Diverticulitis or Crohn's. Great Taste No Pain can help you get rid of your symptoms very quickly.
But a year later, if you start eating like you used to, guess what? Yep, the symptoms will come back. You see, the principles that Great Taste No Pain is based on are sound. They work for everyone. But if you think that because you've been symptom-free for a long time, you've been "cured," think again. Go against these principles of easy digestion, and the problem can come back with a vengeance. Remember, good health comes from living a healthy lifestyle, not a"do it once and you're fixed" approach.
Another thing you might want to be prepared for is that since Great Taste No Pain cleanses your digestive tract, initially you could get a little diarrhea. If you experience constipation on a fairly regular basis, you might get a little "looseness" at first, but it will end soon.
Also, due to the detoxing going on, you might get a runny nose or get some other cold-like symptoms at first. It's nothing to worry about. If you do, while it might not be fun, it does mean it's working. It means your body is becoming purer and the toxins are leaving. And that is a very good thing.
When I began following the system, I personally was amazed at the amount of energy I had, even late into the evening. I had no discomfort, no bloating, I didn't feel the need to eat again within an hour and no need for caffeine after meals.
Professionally and personally, my strong recommendation is that for anyone who wants more energy, sounder and longer sleep, migraine headaches to stop almost immediately, pain from gastritis and acid reflux to stop almost instantly, and the pain of digestive problems to stop or be reduced dramatically, get over to:
now and get the whole system. You will be thrilled.
And frankly, it won't take a full day for most people to feel a major difference in their bodies. Often it just takes one meal. After you have been following it for a week or more, feel free to let me know how you like it. I personally believe that anyone who adopts this simple, enjoyable food combining method will reap gigantic health benefits. So if that is what you are looking for, get over
to -
and get started today.
All my best,